After going over my notes and rereading the Marxism material from last week, I have a better grasp of Marxist Theory and Criticism. And after reading an essay by Leon Trotsky online pertaining to Leo Tolstoy it gives me inspiration to read a couple of his epic novels like War and Peace, Ana Karenina, not to mention, Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s epic novel, The Brothers Karamazov. It seemed from Dr. Wexler’s perspective, Marx, although he, Marx, felt capitalism was inherently flawed, was somewhat in awe of it; however, his communist ideal did not include totalitarianism, which subsequent autocratic leaders assumed or hijacked. The film clip we saw in class for about ten minutes starring Alec Baldwin—the name of the film eludes me—reflects the negative aspects of capitalism: exploitation and class antagonism. Remarkably, there were several acclaimed actors in that one scene; nevertheless, I thought the dialogue was overdramatic and camp, albeit, sending a strong message.
April 3, 2011:
I finished reading Louis Althusser, who among other things, had a satirical perspective of religion as an ideology; and I finished reading Andrew Ross, who is an advocate for the exploited-downtrodden, a talented writer, and an articulate spokesman for higher education's embattled work force. I will post my perspective of Ross's discourse as a continuation to my Marxism analysis.
April 3, 2011:
I finished reading Louis Althusser, who among other things, had a satirical perspective of religion as an ideology; and I finished reading Andrew Ross, who is an advocate for the exploited-downtrodden, a talented writer, and an articulate spokesman for higher education's embattled work force. I will post my perspective of Ross's discourse as a continuation to my Marxism analysis.
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