Last week in class we finished Ethnic Studies Theory, which included Langston Hughes and Gloria Anzaldúa; Post-Colonial Theory, which included Edward Said, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, and Benedict Anderson. We ended with a discussion on Cyborgs and Posthumans. For my review of the final exam, I did a lot of rereading and tried to synthesize the main salient parts and tie them into the overlapping theories. I practiced verbalizing some of what I knew and testing my memory with a 2 hour study session with classmate Janice Reams last night, which was very fruitful. Thus my anxiety for the final exam is lessened and has been replaced by a more compelling feeling, so I know I am relatively ready for the final exam.
I would have liked to read more material in greater depth but am satisfied with my effort. This course has opened up a lot of new knowledge and interests for me. Although the philosophical discourse has been more challenging than reading literature, I am gratified that I put a lot of time and effort into the learning process. During the first summer session I look forward to taking a Shakespeare course, and during the final six weeks I am looking forward to taking a Pop-Culture course with Dr. Wexler as the instructor again, and from what I understand, some of the major theory and criticism we have learned this spring semester will be a part of the course, so I will be forced to retain a lot of what I have learned already. In conclusion, I hope I feel content after finishing the final exam several hours from now.
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